The Grove-Law Social Action Internship Stipend
About the award
The Grove-Law Social Action Internship Stipend is a scholarship opportunity for students who plan to intern with a non-profit organization or human service agency for academic credit. This award was created to reward and encourage students pursuing challenging internships at a site where they can be agents of change. Awards typically range from $500 to $2,000.
SDSU graduate and undergraduate students who will perform an internship for academic credit are eligible. Preference will be given to students pursuing unpaid internships. Internships involving school counseling or probation work will not be considered.
An application can be downloaded here. Completed forms can be delivered or mailed to the SDSU Foundation
(815 Medary Avenue, Brookings, SD) or emailed to Jillian Baldini.
Applications are due by Monday, April 14, 2025.
For questions, please call (605) 697-7475 or email Jillian Baldini.
About the donors
The Tom Grove and Betty Sheeks Law Social Action Internship Stipend was established in 2000 by Betty Sheeks Law, a 1942 economics graduate, and her husband Ed Law, to reward and encourage “someone with a passion for social action” and “someone who can be an agent of change. It is named for Betty and her first husband, Tom Grove, a 1942 mechanical engineering graduate.
In 1972, Mrs. Law earned a master’s degree in social work from the University of Minnesota. She built a career in the social work field and felt her internship experiences provided valuable insights and training that carried into her professional life.